Background. P120 is a nucleolar proliferation antigen found in rapidly
dividing cells and in a variety of malignancies. Methods. Our purpose
was to determine whether P120 expression is a prognostic factor for p
atients with node-negative breast cancer by testing pathologic materia
l from 90 patients for P120 immunoreactivity, histologic grade, and es
trogen receptors. Results. P120 was detected in 52 of the 90 specimens
(58%). Node-negative cancer patients with tumors that did not express
the P120 antigen had a significantly better overall survival rate tha
n node-negative cancer patients with tumors that did express P120 (92%
vs 69%; P = 0.035). Histologic studies indicated that 36 tumors were
grade I, 28 were grade II, and 26 were grade III. The presence of P120
correlated significantly with the nuclear grade of the tumor: 73% of
grade III tumors, 64% of grade II tumors, and 42% of grade I tumors st
ained positive for p120 (p = 0.033). The correlation between nuclear g
rade and overall survival rate was also significant (grade 1, 94% grad
e II, 79%; grade III, 58%); (p = 0.003). No significant correlation wa
s Sound between P120 expession and estrogen receptors. Multivariate an
alysis shows that P120 expression and histologic grade together are th
e strongest predictors of survival. Conclusions. The biologic marker P
120 may play an important role in determining which patients with node
-negative cancer will benefit most from adjuvant therapy.