In the past few years there has been an explosion in the number of pat
ients diagnosed with hyperplastic breast disease and in situ breast ca
ncer. Based on epidemiological data, these morphologically defined les
ions may be categorized as those with little malignant potential (e.g.
typical hyperplasia or proliferative disease without atypia [PDWA]),
those with significant malignant potential which may already be ''init
iated'' (e.g. atypical ductal hyperplasia [ADH]), and early ''transfor
med'' lesions which are malignant but not yet invasive (e.g. ductal ca
rcinoma in situ [DCIS]). They may represent sequential evolutionary st
ages in the ontogeny of invasive breast cancer, with each morphologica
lly defined stage resulting from accumulating genetic changes culminat
ing in a transformed clonal lineage capable of invasion and metastasis
. Using loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) analysis, we are studying the gen
etic changes associated with these lesions in archival tissue samples.
50% (6/12) of the proliferative lesions (PDWA and ADH) and 80% of the
DCIS shared their LOH patterns with more advanced lesions from the sa
me breast, strongly supporting a precursor/product relationship betwee
n these lesions and the cancers they accompany.