In the measurements of VLF electric fields with the Pioneer Venus spac
ecraft in sunlight, spin synchronized signals often dominate over the
naturally generated emissions. We present a method to separate natural
emissions from the several possible sources of noise. Our major objec
tive by this method is not to remove all spin modulation, but to effec
tively subtract the background noise caused by the identifiable noise
sources. Examination of the data shows that the background spin synchr
onized noise is quite sensitive to theta(n), the angle between the sen
se axis and the solar direction. We model the observed data as y(n) =
w(n)t(n)f(theta(n)) + x(n), where f(theta) represents the phase respon
se of the background noise and x(n) is the estimated natural emissions
. t(n) and w(n) are the long-term trend component and time- and phase-
independent component of the intensity of the background noise, respec
tively. The method to decompose y(n) is based on the Bayesian approach
which has been recently applied to various inversion problems such as
nonstationary time series modeling and image reconstruction. In this
procedure, the estimated parameters w(n), t(n), f(theta), and x(n) can
be determined automatically. We will describe the Bayesian scheme and
its application to the Pioneer Venus VLF electric field data.