Objective: To determine the relative risk of pneumonia, dehydration, a
nd death associated with videofluoroscopic evidence of aspiration, sil
ent aspiration, aspiration of 10% or greater on one or more barium tes
t swallows, and aspiration of thick liquid or more solid consistencies
in the subacute phase after stroke. Design: Prospective, longitudinal
cohort study. Setting: Inpatient stroke rehabilitation unit. Patients
: There were 114 consecutive patients who met the following criteria:
(1) stroke as defined by clinical history and neurological examination
with compatible computed tomographic or magnetic resonance imaging sc
an; (2) age 20 to 90 years, inclusive; (3) no known history of signifi
cant oropharyngeal anomaly, and (4) videofluoroscopic evidence of dysp
hagia. Of 122 eligible patients, eight refused participation. Main Out
come Measures: Development of pneumonia, dehydration, and death. Resul
ts: The relative risk for developing pneumonia was 6.95 times greater
(P=.027) for those patients who aspirated compared with those who did
not, 5.57 times greater (P=.012) for those who aspirated silently comp
ared with those who coughed when aspirating or who did not aspirate, a
nd 8.36 times greater (P=.002) for those who aspirated 10% or greater
on one or more barium test swallows compared with those who aspirated
less than 10% or did not aspirate. Conclusion: Aspiration, silent aspi
ration, and aspiration of 10% or greater on one or more barium test sw
allows during videofluoroscopic evaluation are associated with an incr
eased risk of pneumonia, but not dehydration or death, during the suba
cute phase after stroke.