Recent advances in the,separation of oligo DNA fragments using capilla
ry electrophoresis (CE) were reviewed with special emphasis on the his
torical aspects and possible applications of the technology in the nea
r future. In the section on single strand DNA separation, the high res
olution capability of CE was demonstrated by referring to the size sep
aration of oligo DNA in which a 1mer difference in size of several hun
dreds base-mer can be recognized by using a polyacrylamide gel-filled
capillary or high viscosity buffer. In addition, a statistical analysi
s of the migration time of heterogeneous oligo DNA was shown. By emplo
ying Gauss's least square method, the estimated migration time of any
known sequences having no secondary struture can be calculated with pr
obable error of less than 0.08 min. The effect of the secondary struct
ure on separation was shown. The possibility of using these secondary
structure effects on migration time for doing SSCP (single strand conf
ormation polymorphism) was indicated. The section on double strand DNA
separation focussed mainly on the application of CE. The possibility
of detecting a specific gene or points mutation, or doing genetic diag
nosis and paternal analysis was shown by referring to example of CE ap
plication to PCR (polymerase chain reaction) product analysis, ARMS (a
mplification refractory mutation system) analysis, RFLP (restriction f
ragment length polymorphism) analysis, and VNTR (variable number of ta
ndem repeat) analysis.