Background: Hepatic resection is prone to significant blood loss. Adve
rse effects of blood loss and transfusion mandate improvements in surg
ical techniques to reduce blood loss and transfusion requirements. Met
hods: One hundred hepatic resections were carried out using a standard
surgical technique that includes control of the hilar structures, ext
rahepatic control of the hepatic veins, and use of the Pringle maneuve
r. Low central venous pressure and Trendelenburg positioning were used
during parenchymal transection. Data were collected retrospectively i
n the first 36 patients, whereas data were collected prospectively in
the remaining 64 patients. Results: Hospital mortality was 3%. Median
blood loss was 450, 700, 1000, 1100, and 1500 mt for segmental, nonana
tomic, lobar, extended right, and extended left resections, respective
ly. Major resections were more likely than minor resections to be tran
sfused with albumin (P=.008), fresh frozen plasma (P=.009), and packed
red blood cells or whole blood (P=.04). Overall transfusion of packed
red blood cells or whole blood occurred in 59 of 100 patients. In the
64 patients who were followed up prospectively, the predeposit of aut
ologous blood decreased the need for homologous transfusions from 56%
to 38%. A further reduction in the transfusion rate to 25% could have
been possible if all patients in the prospective group had donated 2 U
of autologous blood. Patients who predeposited blood were more likely
to receive transfusions and to have had a transfusion more than 24 ho
urs after surgery than were patients who did not donate blood. Conclus
ions: The surgical techniques used result in acceptable blood loss and
transfusion requirements for hepatic resection. This approach is safe
, cost-effective, reproducible, and applicable for widespread use.