The paper presents objections to the prevailing record-oriented data m
odelling of physical-world properties of use to engineering design. Th
e limitations, which produce an oversimplification in the representati
on of property information, are highlighted in relation to software sy
stems for materials selection. The overarching problem lies in the hig
hly context-specific way in which properties of materials and engineer
ing products need to be interpreted. By way of redress, two techniques
are presented which are supported by a special object-oriented langua
ge devised to process design descriptions. The first technique provide
s a representation of properties of families of materials as distribut
ions of numerical values within ranges which are automatically generat
ed by family members. The second technique involves treating qualitati
vely described properties as agglomerations of property features compo
unded or together. Both techniques are supported by a special language
specification of complex prototypical objects which depict the proper
ties of any given entity themselves as entities.