Investigations of hydrogen inventory in gallium (99.9%) were carried o
ut after saturation both from molecular phase and from glow discharge
plasma at room temperature, 370 and 520 K. Saturation took place durin
g 3000 s under hydrogen pressure of 20 Pa, and ion flux was about 1 x
10(15) ions/cm(2) s with an energy about 400 eV during discharge. Hydr
ogen concentration in Ga at room temperature and that for 370 K by the
saturation from gaseous phase was (2-3)x 10(14) cm(-3) Pa--1/2. Hydro
gen concentration at temperature 520 K increased by five times. Invent
ory at room temperature for irradiation from discharge was 7 x 10(16)
cm(-3) at the dose about 3 x 10(18) ions/cm(2). It was more than inven
tory at temperature 520 K by four times and more than maximum inventor
y from gaseous phase at 520 K by a factor of 10. Inventory increased w
hen temperature decreased. Diffusion coefficient D = 0.003 exp(- 2300/
RT) cm(2)/s, was estimated from temperature dependence.