In this paper, we describe a likelihood-based method for analysing bal
anced but incomplete longitudinal binary responses that are assumed to
be missing at random. Following the approach outlined in Zhao and Pre
ntice (1990, Biometrika 77, 642-648), we focus on ''marginal models''
in which the marginal expectation of the response variable is related
to a set of covariates. The association between binary responses is mo
delled in terms of conditional log odds-ratios. We describe a set of s
coring equations for jointly estimating both the marginal parameters a
nd the conditional association parameters. An outline of the EM algori
thm used to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates is presented. This
approach yields valid and efficient estimates when the responses are
missing at random, but not necessarily missing completely at random. A
n example, using data from the Muscatine Coronary Risk Factor Study, i
s presented to illustrate this methodology.