The complex H+ translocations across the plasma membrane of the extrem
ely acid resistant unicellular green alga Dunaliella acidophila (cytos
olic pH 7.0; optimal growth and photosynthesis at pH 1.0) which develo
p during dark/light/dark transitions were investigated with the aid of
pH sensitive antimony micro electrodes. Despite of 100 mmol/l H+ in t
he medium (pH 1.0), cells are able to produce in light a further acidi
fication of the medium (maximal delta pH 0.005) which reaches a maximu
m after 4 min. After the offset of illumination this reaction is rever
sed: An alkalization takes place, the rate of which is in the order of
3-10% of the light-induced acidification. The light-induced acidifica
tion of the external medium is sensitive to inhibitors of photosynthet
ic electron transport and to inhibitors of the plasma membrane H+ ATPa
se, and is stimulated by fusicoccin. It is concluded that the acidific
ation is catalysed by the plasma membrane H+ ATPase of Dunaliella acid
ophila the activity of which is stimulated by light. The photosyntheti
c pigments are the photoreceptors of the reaction, but the signal tran
sduction from the non-cyclic electron transport to the H+ ATPase in th
e plasma membrane is unknown.