Highly purified plasma membranes were isolated by aqueous two-phase pa
rtitioning from wheat roots. The superoxide generation was studied by
EPR technique with Tiron as the spin trap. Ca2+-calmodulin could stimu
late the TH signal, while SOD and several calmodulin antagonists, La3, EGTA and CPZ could inhibit the TH signal. Stimulation of TH signal b
y Ca2+-calmodulin was dependent on NADH and calmodulin. The above resu
lts provided direct evidence for the connection of calmodulin to the r
edox system of plasma membranes. Similarly, catalase and KCN could als
o inhibit TH signal. No stimulation of superoxide production was obser
ved when Ca2+ and calmodulin were added separately. NADPH could not el
icit TH signal in the study of the stimulation of superoxide by Ca2+-c
almodulin. Triton X-100 (0.05%) could not cause a significant increase
in TH. signal.