Water use in vineyards is controlled by energy absorbed by plants and
the soil surface. An 8 day field experiment was conducted in a commerc
ial vineyard near Lamesa, TX, to evaluate soil and canopy energy balan
ces, and to examine energy exchange between canopy and soil. Grapevine
s in the vineyard were wrapped tightly to trellis wires, creating comp
act hedgerows that were 3 m apart and of 1.6 m height and 0.4 m width,
with little foliage below 1 m above the soil surface. The Bowen ratio
method was used to measure the vineyard energy balance including tota
l latent heat flux (lambda E). Latent heat flux from the canopy (lambd
a E(c)) was determined from sap flow measurements of transpiration. So
il latent heat flux (lambda E(s)) was calculated as the difference bet
ween lambda E and lambda E(c). These measurements were combined with m
easurements of soil net irradiance to partition the vineyard energy ba
lance into soil and canopy components. During the study, lambda E(s) a
ccounted for 44-68% of lambda E. Unstable conditions predominated duri
ng the study, with the soil generating sensible heat that was transfer
red to the canopy, producing values of lambda E(c) that were greater t
han canopy net irradiance. Within-row advection of sensible heat was 1
7-36% of lambda E(c). Although the canopy was cooler than within- and
above-canopy air, it was not a strong enough sink for sensible heat to
produce stable conditions above the canopy. The narrow hedgerows crea
ted an unusual diurnal pattern of canopy net irradiance, having midmor
ning and midafternoon peaks, and a low midday plateau. Morning and aft
ernoon peaks occurred during times of maximum direct beam irradiance o
n east and west sides of the hedgerows. Results also showed that withi
n canopy wind speed and air temperature were affected by wind directio