Introduction: Within New Zealand the SIDS mortality rate is higher in
Maori than in non-Maori, predominantly European. Aims: This paper addr
esses two questions (1) How should ethnicity be defined, by biological
or cultural criteria? (2) Why is the SIDS rate higher in Maori, becau
se of different risk factors or because of a higher prevalence of comm
on risk factors? Methods: A nationwide case-control study. Results: Th
e majority of mothers with some Maori blood (as reported on the infant
s birth registration form) report they are Maori (as recorded in the o
bstetric records or interview). Risk factors for SIDS are similar in t
he various ethnic groups in New Zealand. Conclusions: Using a biologic
al definition underestimates the number of Maori infants compared to t
he cultural definition. Differences in SIDS mortality appear to be exp
lained by differences in prevalence of known risk factors, the most im
portant of which, prone sleeping position, maternal smoking, lack of b
reast feeding and bed sharing, are culturally determined rather than b