This paper reviews progress in the understanding and application of el
ectrical probes for the diagnosis of tokamak edge plasmas. Langmuir pr
obes are still one of the most commonly applied diagnostics in tokamak
s but our understanding of how to interpret them in strong magnetic fi
elds is still rather limited. Recent results from flush-mounted Langmu
ir probes in divertor plates are used to highlight the problem areas,
in particular non-saturation of the ion current and low electron to io
n saturation current ratios. The importance of measuring the parallel
flow velocity in the plasma edge is highlighted and recent development
s in theories for interpretation of Mach probes are discussed. Finally
, the importance of diagnostics for ion temperature and impurity conte
nt is emphasized, and progress in the application of advanced electric
al probes such as retarding field analysers and mass spectrometers to
the tokamak boundary is reviewed in this context.