The effects of reservoir tillage on runoff and water quality were stud
ied under two levels of soil compaction in the production of cotton. A
wide frame tractive vehicle was used during plot establishment and du
ring all farm operations to provide the desired soil compactions. LEPA
(Low Energy Precision Application) irrigation was used to apply suppl
emental water as required. Runoff quantity was monitored with flumes a
nd runoff samples were taken using Coshocton-type runoff samplers. Thi
rteen runoff events were monitored and analyzed over a two-year period
for the replicated, four-treatment study. Reservoir tillage decreased
runoff and total discharges of organic nitrogen and phosphate. Differ
ences in concentrations of water quality parameters (total solids, amm
onium, total kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate, phosphate, and COD) were not
statistically significant. Although not statistically different, total
runoff and total discharge of water quality parameters (except phosph
ate) were lower for the low compacted treatments compared to the high
compacted treatments.