General brain growth and differentiation of the neocortex have been st
udied in the marsupial, Didelphis virginiana from the 10.5 day embryo
through adulthood. Didelphis is born after a short gestation period of
about 12.5 days, at a time when the telencephalic wall consists only
of two layers and is considered to be at an embryonic stage of develop
ment. The cortical plate does not appear until late in the first postn
atal week, thus neocortical development is totally a postnatal phenome
non in Didelphis as has been shown in other marsupial species examined
to date. The general pattern of development and the establishment of
the six-layered adult neocortex in Didelphis is similar to that descri
bed in eutherian mammals. Signs of cortical lamination can be seen as
early as postnatal day 35 and the cytoarchitecture of a typical mammal
ian neocortex is well defined by postnatal day 60 in Didelphis prior t
o the onset of weaning.