1. The stable isotopes of nitrogen (deltaN-15) and carbon (deltaC-13)
were analysed in 22 species of marine birds from coastal waters of the
northeast Pacific Ocean. Analyses confirm that stable nitrogen isotop
es can predict seabird trophic positions. 2. Based on deltaN-15 analys
es, seabird trophic-level inferences generally agree with those of con
ventional dietary studies, but suggest that lower trophic-level organi
sms are more important to several seabirds than was recognized previou
sly. 3. Stable-carbon isotope analysis may be a good indicator of insh
ore vs. offshore feeding preference. 4. In general, stable-isotope ana
lysis to determine trophic level offers many advantages over conventio
nal dietary approaches since trophic inferences are based on time-inte
grated estimates of assimilated and not just ingested foods, and isoto
pic abundance represents a continuous variable that is amenable to sta
tistical analysis.