The appearance of ossification centres in cartilaginous primordia of o
ssa sesamoidea distalia was studied in a group of twenty calves of the
Bohemian spotted cattle (14 males and 6 females) from birth to three
months of age. All calves were X-rayed four times in identical periods
. The radiographs showed that ossification centres of ossa sesamoidea
distalia were already easily identifiable at the early stages of ontog
eny and their appearance was recorded from 1 to 60 days after birth. T
he centres of ossa sesamoidea distalia appeared 14 to 30 days earlier
on the pelvic limbes than in the thoracic limbs. In the pelvic limbs t
hey were fully developed in calves at one month of age while in thorac
ic limbs they were present at two months. In calves aged 3 months the
ossification centres were equally well developed in both the thoracic
and pelvic limbs, with the exception of calves retarded in growth. Oss
ification of the centres occurred earlier in female than in male anima