The dynamic planar point location problem is the task of maintaining a
dynamic set S of n nonintersecting (except possibly at endpoints) lin
e segments in the plane under the following operations: Locate (q: poi
nt): Report the segment immediately above q, i.e., the first segment i
ntersected by an upward vertical ray starting at q; Insert (s: segment
): Add segment s to the collection S of segments; Delete (s: segment):
Remove segment s from the collection S of segments. We present a solu
tion which requires space O(n) and has query and insertion time O(log
n log log n) and deletion time O(log2 n). The bounds for insertions an
d deletions are amortized. A query time below O(log2 n) was previously
only known for monotone subdivisions and subdivisions consisting of h
orizontal segments and required nonlinear space. (C) 1994 Academic Pre
ss, Inc.