One of the challenges for individuals pursuing a career throughout the
ir life span is how to maintain a high level of professional competenc
e. As the composition of the workforce changes, and new technologies a
re developed, workers are faced with changing job demands and pressure
s. A major issue for the 1990s is how long a worker's skills will rema
in current. With rapid technological changes, workers may find it nece
ssary to update continually their knowledge, skills, and abilities or
risk becoming obsolete. Factors such as individuals' motivation and at
titudes and organizational climate can contribute to choices regarding
career development. Current research on the factors that contribute t
o career development activities is reviewed, along with the impact of
multiple career transitions throughout the life span. Interventions su
ch as retraining and outplacement, which allow individuals in later li
fe to continue work, change jobs, and further develop their careers, a
re also discussed.