Let {X(t):t greater-than-or-equal-to 0} denote random walk in the rand
om waiting time model, i.e., simple random walk with jump rate w-1(X(t
)), where {w(x): x is-an-element-of Z(d)} is an i.i.d. random field. W
e show that (under some mild conditions) the intermediate scattering f
unction F(q, t) = E0e(iqXt) (q is-an-element-of R(d)) is completely mo
notonic in t (E0 denotes double expectation w.r.t. walk and field). We
also show that the dynamic structure factor S(q, omega) = 2 integral0
infinity cos(omega t) F(q, t) dt exists for omega not-equal 0 and is s
trictly positive. In d = 1,2 it diverges as 1/\omega\1/2, resp. -ln(\o
mega\), in the limit omega --> 0; in d greater-than-or-equal-to 3 its
limit value is strictly larger than expected from hydrodynamics. This
and further results support the conclusion that the hydrodynamic regio
n is limited to small q and small omega such that \omega\ much-greater
-than D \q\2, where D is the diffusion constant.