Essential oils were distilled from the following Achillea species: A.
biserrata, A. clypeolata, A. crithmifolia, A. filipendulina, A. macrop
hylla, A. pannonica, A. pyrenaica, A. sibirica, A. taygetea and A. ten
uifolia. GC-MS analysis of the oil revealed the presence of several mo
no- and sesquiterpenes along with the phenol carvacrol. The main monot
erpenes were beta-pinene, 1,8-cineole and camphor, whereas germacrene-
D and bisabolene oxide were the main sesquiterpenes. Principal compone
nt analysis of the oil components provided a good discrimination of sp
ecies according to their geographic origin. Balkan species A. clypeola
ta, A. crithmifolia and A. tenuifolia were clearly separated from Cent
ral and Western European species such as A. macrophylla, A. pannonica,
A. pyrenaica and A. taygetea. The North Asian A. sibirica was evident
ly separated from the Minor Asian A. biserrata and A. filipendulina.