The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) design process fo
r a facility involves participation of many design specialists. These
participants are architects, engineers (structural, mechanical and ele
ctrical) and contractors, who may be independent design professionals
or design teams within an organization. From the viewpoint of informat
ion processing, two characteristic features distinguish the AEC design
process from many other design domains. Firstly, there is a massive v
olume of design data involved in the design of each of its component s
pecialties. Secondly, the specialization of the disciplines themselves
warrant substantial autonomy. For design automation, this autonomy sh
ould be realized without sacrificing the collaborative nature of the m
ultidisciplinary AEC design process. We propose autonomous AEC databas
es to deal with the first issue, and a global constraint maintenance m
echanism for the second. Autonomous design databases can support the e
xisting local applications in architectural, structural and mechanical
engineering, and construction domains. However, a set of inter-discip
linary constraints needs to be enforced to ensure spatial and function
al consistency of the design. A global constraint checking mechanism f
rees designers from the burden of keeping track of various design chan
ges that may result in cross-functional conflicts. In this paper, we d
iscuss the relevant issues for constraint management on distributed AE
C databases. Although specific AEC examples will be used, the presenta
tion is general enough to be applicable to other design domains, such
as VLSI and manufacturing.