Purpose. To understand those factors that determine the decrease in in
traocular pressure (IOP) that occurs during acute dynamic exercise. Me
thods. Three aspects of the exercise-IOP relationship were studied. Th
ese included graded exercise, with and without CO2 addition for isocap
nia; comparison of the IOP response of trained and sedentary subjects
to a fixed external work load; and exercise after ocular beta-adrenoce
ptor blockade. Graded exercise consisted of 7 minutes each at 30 and 9
0 watts on a cycle ergometer, then progressive work to exhaustion. Tra
ined and sedentary subjects were defined on the basis of the blood lac
tate response to fixed external work (10 minutes at 90 watts). Selecti
ve beta 1-adrenoceptor blockade (betaxolol) and nonselective beta-adre
noceptor blockade (levobunolol) were superimposed on graded exercise.
Intraocular pressure was measured using applanation tonometry. Results
. Graded exercise: Intraocular pressure decreased in proportion to exe
rcise intensity. Hypocapnia developed in the last minutes of exhaustin
g work, but preventing hypocapnia with CO2 addition failed to lessen t
he decrease in IOP. Response to fixed external work load: Intraocular
pressure decreased significantly more in sedentary than in trained sub
jects; this decline was correlated with elevations in blood lactate bu
t not with changes in metabolic rate or plasma osmolarity. Selective a
nd nonselective beta-adrenoceptor blockade: Both drugs lowered IOP at
baseline and throughout graded exercise; the drugs and exercise had ap
parently additive ocular hypotensive effects. Conclusions. Acute dynam
ic exercise lowers IOP in a graded fashion proportional to relative, n
ot absolute, work load. The IOP decline is correlated with blood lacta
te but not with PCO2 of plasma osmolarity changes, and exercise potent
iates the ocular hypotensive effects of beta-adrenoceptor blockade.