The influence of deposition temperature on structure, orientation, and
morphology of vacuum-evaporated sexithiophene films has been studied
by using X-ray diffraction, UV-visible spectroscopy and scanning elect
ron microscopy. We correlate this with the mobility of these films as
measured in field-effect transistors. The X-ray study based on meridio
nal OOl reflections shows evidence for various crystalline phases depe
nding on the substrate temperature during vapor deposition. A high deg
ree of orientation can be achieved even in several-micrometer-thick fi
lms deposited above 190 degrees C. It is shown that the field-effect m
obility is substantially enhanced for deposition temperatures close to
the melting point (290 degrees C), which is associated with a suitabl
e orientation (002 being the single contact plane) and eventually a fa
vorable crystalline structure and coalescent lamellae morphology.