A laboratory study was performed to investigate the relationship betwe
en chemical (non-biological) and microbial degradation of cyanazine an
d atrazine in soils ranging in pH from 5.3 to 8.1. Atrazine degradatio
n was dominated by chemical processes in both a moderately acidic and
a neutral pH soil, but showed a significant microbial involvement in t
he neutral pH soil. The primary cyanazine degradative mechanism was de
pendent on soil properties. Cyanazine was short-lived in neutral to sl
ightly basic soils, due to rapid microbial degradation. Cyanazine amid
e and cyanazine acid were the major metabolites formed. In a moderatel
y acidic soil, microbial degradation was slowed and and chemical proce
sses were the primary means of cyanazine degradation.