The male Bengalese finch, Lonchura striata, has two types of song beha
viour (directed song, DS and undirected song, US). DS and US share a b
asically identical syllable repertoire, sequence pattern and tempo, bu
t differ in the time course of appearance during the maturational proc
ess. In order to examine whether this results from a difference in tes
tosterone (T) dependency, we studied developmental changes in the feca
l T level and the amounts of DS and US during the 2-4 month period (N
= 7). DS appeared between 83 and 94 days of age, 4-16 days after a ris
e in the fecal T level. In contrast, US appeared earlier and at high f
requency even when T was still at a very low level. These results sugg
est that DS is more dependent on the T level than US, and is not activ
ated until the T level rises during the maturational process.