In view of the singularities, asymmetries and other adverse properties
of existing, three-dimensional definitions for joint and segment angl
es, the present paper proposes a new convention for unambiguous and ea
sily interpretable, 3-D joint angles, based on the concept of the atti
tude 'vector' as derived from Euler's theorem. The suggested standard
can be easily explained to non-mathematically trained clinicians, is r
eadily implemented in software, and can be simply related to classical
Cardanic/Eulerian angles. For 'planar' rotations about a coordinate s
ystem's axes, the proposed convention coincides with the Cardanic conv
ention. The attitude vector dispenses with the 'gimbal-lock' and non-o
rthogonality disadvantages of Cardanic/Eulerian conventions; therefore
, its components have better metrical properties, and they are less se
nsitive to measurement errors and to coordinate system uncertainties t
han Cardanic/Eulerian angles. A sensitivity analysis and a physical in
terpretation of the proposed standard are given, and some experimental
results that demonstrate its advantages.