Non-Fourier motion is now commonplace in research on visual motion per
ception, yet lacks a computational framework. This paper examines this
issue based on the observation that many non-Fourier motion stimuli h
ave a simple characterization in the frequency domain, in terms of ori
ented power distributions that lie along lines (or planes) that do not
pass through the origin. This provides a unifying theoretical framewo
rk for a very diverse class of non-Fourier phenomena. It also allows u
s to examine some central issues concerning the computational nature o
f non-Fourier models, and naturally occurring sources of non-Fourier m
otion. For example, it is shown that the orientation of power in frequ
ency domain corresponds to the velocity of a multiplicative envelope,
and may arise as a restricted form of lighting effects, translucency o
r occlusion. We also show that both the location and orientation of sp
ectral power may be extracted from the phase and amplitude output of b
and-pass filters, consonant with existing non-Fourier models.