Immunity status of patients with the ''classical'' Kaposi's sarcoma wa
s carried out with consideration for immune response mediators (IL-1,
TNF) and interferon status. The examined parameters were shifted both
in the T and B immunity systems. Immunity activity in Kaposi's sarcoma
was found related to activation of a large group of cells producing I
L-1, TNF, and other cytokins. Activity of mediators (IL-1, TNF) was de
pressed, interferon production reduced. All these changes lead to immu
nity system imbalance, the depth of this imbalance correlating with th
e clinical picture of the disease. Study of immunity status with consi
deration for cytokins and their interactions with cells gives us new d
ata on the pathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma and permits regarding many
problems from new viewpoints.