A total of 155 patients with various syphilis forms were followed up,
treated according to various methods presented in the instructions of
1988. Three reinfection cases 4-7 months after the treatment was over
were recorded, this confirming a high efficacy of method No. 1 for the
treatment of primary seropositive and secondary fresh syphilis. Still
, 6.1% of patients were found to be seroresistant, 2.6% had serologic
relapses, and in 10.8% negative results of classical serologic tests a
ppeared rather late, half of this group being married couples. The cau
se of this phenomenon (delayed negative results of the tests) is to be
researched. In some cases of delayed negative results of the tests th
e patients should be regularly checked up for 2 to 3 years, though no
treatment is needed. New methods for outpatient therapy to be administ
ered to seroresistant patients are to be developed.