Accuracy, ease and speed of recognition of tracheal tube position were
assessed using the oesophageal detector device in a series of 40 test
s on 29 patients. A single blind method was used, with each paramedic
performing a single test on each patient. The tests were randomly spli
t between two groups consisting of those tests performed on the trache
al or oesophageal tube respectively. Of the 40 tests performed, 21 wer
e on tracheal tubes and 19 on oesophageal tubes. Correct placement was
diagnosed with 100% accuracy by the paramedics, none of whom had prev
iously used the oesophageal detector device. Each paramedic also grade
d speed of recognition of position and ease of use of the device. Reco
gnition of position was graded as instant in 37 out of 40 tests. Use o
f the oesophageal detector device by previously inexperienced paramedi
cs has thus been shown to be accurate, rapid and easy to learn.