Heat shock proteins (HSP) belong to a family of highly homologous prot
eins that are encoded by several genes and function as protein chapero
nes. A number of HSP genes have been described in the major histocompa
tibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6. We have cloned and mapped one
chromosome 14 HSP gene (HSPA2) using a genomic probe (pH2.3) derived f
rom one of the HSP genes present in the MHC, which was previously show
n to also detect sequences on chromosome 14. Screening of a chromosome
14-specific cosmid library yielded one relevant clone that contains a
n HSP-like sequence, showing a high degree of identity with the HSP ge
nes from the MHC and with HSP70.2 (Hspa2) in the mouse. This new HSP g
ene is expressed abundantly in muscle, heart, oesophagus and brain, an
d to a lesser extent in testis. Its localization to 14q22 was establis
hed by using a somatic cell hybrid panel and FISH analysis. A pentanuc
leotide repeat motif, showing seven alleles, was also identified in th
e cosmid clone.