Analysis of hemodynamic studies performed in 34 patients is presented.
Survival over 1 year in this group of patients discharged alive after
transplantation on triple component (cyclosporine A + methyl-predniso
lone + azathioprine) immunosuppressive therapy was 99.2%. Hemodynamic
monitoring in post-transplantation period for a mean time of 3 years a
llowed to make the following conclusions. 1) There are no abnormalitie
s in the pump function and contractility of the transplanted heart. 2)
When function of the sinus node is normal heart rate of the graft is
higher than that of the innervated heart. In sinus node disfunction im
plantation of a temporary or permanent pacemaker is required for preve
ntion of hemodynamic disturbances. DDD pacemaker is optimal for normal
regulation of the cardiac output of the graft. 3) Increase of left ve
ntricular afterload due to development of posttransplantation arterial
hypertension requires prophylactic hypotensive therapy for prevention
of hyperfunction, hypertrophy, dilatation and subsequent disfunction
of the graft. 4) Secondary postcapillary pulmonary hypertension has fu
nctional reversible character thus providing normal pre- and afterload
for adequate functioning of the transplanted heart. Normalisation of
the right ventricular pre- and afterload takes from several months to
1 year depending on the degree of preexisting disturbances of pulmonar
y circulation, duration of graft ischemia, degree of right ventricular
dilatation and tricuspid regurgitation. 5) Incidence of development o
f reversible right ventricular failure correlates with the level of pr
eexisting grafts right ventricular preload. 6) Derangements of the pum
p function of the transplanted heart observed during moderate to sever
e acute or chronic rejection with clinical signs of cardiac failure we
re analogous to those characteristic for the heart of the recipient in
pretransplantation period.