The role of neuropeptides in the psychoneuroendocrinological stress re
sponse is largely unknown. In this study the effect of acute psycholog
ical stress on beta-endorphin and substance-P plasma concentrations wa
s investigated and further the effect of different anxiety levels or c
ontrol attributions on beta-endorphin or substance-P levels was determ
ined. Blood samples were obtained from 47 inexperienced tandem-parachu
tists 2 h before, immediately after, and 1 h after a parachute jump an
d plasma concentrations of beta-endorphin and substance-P were analyse
d. Anxiety levels and control attributions were assessed by psychometr
ic scales. Whereas substance-P concentrations seemed to be unaffected
by the jump stress, there was a transient but significant increase in
beta-endorphin levels immediately after jumping. However, subjects hig
her in state-anxiety at the point of jumping (exit) displayed higher s
ubstance-P values at all three time points compared to the ''low anxie
ty'' jumpers. In addition, stress-induced beta-endorphin secretion was
dependent on subjective control attributions.