Dl. Wiest et al., INCOMPLETE ENDOPLASMIC-RETICULUM (ER) RETENTION IN IMMATURE THYMOCYTES AS REVEALED BY SURFACE EXPRESSION OF ER-RESIDENT MOLECULAR CHAPERONES, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Statesof America, 94(5), 1997, pp. 1884-1889
The folding and assembly of nascent proteins in the endoplasmic reticu
lum (ER) is assisted by molecular chaperones that are themselves retai
ned within the ER. We now report that a number of different ER protein
s, including molecular chaperones, are selectively expressed on the su
rface of immature thymocytes, but their surface expression is extingui
shed upon further differentiation. Escape from the ER is only possible
for newly synthesized ER proteins before they become permanently reta
ined. Thus, the cellular process of ER retention is incomplete in imma
ture thymocytes and provides an explanation for surface expression of
partial receptor complexes that transduce differentiative signals duri
ng thymic development.