The first case of osteomyelitis caused by Neosartorya pseudofischeri i
s reported. The patient, a 77-year-old male with a history of silicosi
s and tuberculosis, on X-ray examination revealed lytic lesions of L(2
) and L(3) vertebrae suspicious for metastatic lesions. Histologic exa
mination of biopsy specimens from vertebral bodies showed short, disto
rted, extra- and intracellular, hyaline hyphal fragments. The culture
from the biopsy tissue produced numerous, evanescent asci containing e
ight ellipsoidal ascospores with two distinctive equatorial bands ca.
1 mu m, wide. When examined by a scanning electron microscope, ascospo
res exhibited a convex surface ornamented with raised flaps of tissue,
in shape resembling triangular projections or long ridge lines. The c
onidial state (anamorph) was identified as Aspergillus thermomutatus o
n the basis of conidial columns which were smaller and less tightly pa
cked as well as of a lighter shade of green than those observed in Asp
ergillus fumigatus. On the basis of the morphologic features of the as
cospores, the teleomorph was identified as N. pseudofischeri.