Novel ultraviolet laser-based multidimensional measurement techniques
were applied to the burner exit of a H-2-air jet engine. Two-dimension
al Rayleigh scattering and one-dimensional Raman scattering were used
to measure the mean temperature field, the distributions of the majori
ty species H-2, O-2, H2O, and N-2, and the turbulence intensity distri
bution sigma(T)/T in the burner exit plane. The wealth of data allows
are elucidation of the turbulent mixing and combustion processes insid
e the burner. For example, the majority species distributions show tha
t unburned H-2 occurred in certain regions in the burner exit plane th
at were essentially free of O-2 and vice versa, This pattern was const
ant in time, This means that certain flow structures in the burner cau
sed rich mixing in some areas and lean mixing in others, and it explai
ns why overall combustion was not complete in this particular burner.