Before the advent of direct molecular gene analysis the diagnosis of A
lport syndrome was operationally based on three of the four classical
clinical criteria. Recently, mutations have been identified in the COL
4A5 gene, which is involved in X-linked Alport syndrome. Here we descr
ibe two de-novo mutations in two unrelated children, a male and a fema
le, both with early onset of the nephropathy, but with only one of the
diagnostic criteria, i.e. electronmicroscopy alterations. Because of
the significant estimated proportion of de-novo mutations this diagnos
is should be considered in children with early signs of nephropathy, e
ven without a suggestive family history or clinical picture (ocular or
audiologic abnormalities). In the future the diagnosis of Alport synd
rome will probably be made on the basis of both clinical findings and
molecular analysis. Now Alport syndrome is clearly underdiagnosed.