Objectives: To assess whether the known pulsatility of P secretion by
the corpus luteum, which is detected in blood by P measurements, trans
lates into fluctuations of saliva P concentrations, and to determine h
ow well saliva P measurements reflect plasma P concentration. A second
objective was to see whether there is a window in the luteal phase, w
here P secretion has reached its maximum capacity, but the amplitude i
s not very accentuated, which would be an ideal time to measure P. Des
ign: Twenty-one ovulatory women were randomly assigned to be studied o
n day 5, 7, or 8 after the luteinizing hormone surge. Blood samples we
re drawn every 20 minutes, and saliva samples were obtained hourly ove
r a 24-hour period. Comparison between saliva plasma P was performed,
and pulse analysis of plasma P was done. Results: The percent variatio
n of saliva P concentration over a 24-hour period was much higher when
compared with the percent variation of plasma P concentration over th
e same time period (saliva P: 149%; plasma P: 107%). Also, the ratio o
f saliva to plasma P varied significantly between individuals (range:
0.0050 to 0.0148). A single plasma P concentration (8:00 A.M.) correla
ted better with the 24-hour mean plasma concentration than the respect
ive single saliva value or the mean of two or three saliva samples (8:
00 A.M. and 12:00 P.M.; 8:00 A.M., 12:00 P.M., and 8:00 P.M.). Plasma
pulse frequency, mean pulse interval, pulse width, pulse amplitude, an
d 24-hour mean P level did not differ between the 3 study days. Conclu
sions: A single plasma P determination reflects more accurately 24-hou
r P secretion than repeated saliva P samples measured in the same indi
vidual. We could not identify a window in the luteal phase when P meas
urements are more representative of corpus luteum function.