The acceleration of He-3 and heavy ions by electromagnetic hydrogen cy
clotron waves in a direct single-stage process in impulsive solar flar
es is investigated analytically and with the help of test particle sim
ulations. We illustrate in detail the mechanism by which a single mono
chromatic wave can accelerate such ions to MeV and even GeV energies.
While somewhat idealized, a monochromatic wave well illustrates the im
portance of the background magnetic held gradient in the acceleration
process. An interesting result of our analysis shows that the accelera
tion rate is proportional to the magnitude of the magnetic held gradie
nt and is independent of the wave amplitude, while the maximum energy
gained increases with decreasing magnetic field gradient and increasin
g wave amplitude. Heavy ions can also be accelerated by these electrom
agnetic hydrogen cyclotron waves in a single-stage process by the seco
nd or higher harmonic resonance. The acceleration of heavier ions by t
he same mechanism raises the question of their low enrichment in compa
rison to much higher enrichment of He-3. The solution is related to th
e initial small acceleration of the thermal heavy ions at the higher h
armonic resonances. The enrichment of the heavy ions increases with th
e amplitude of the electromagnetic waves and decreases with the plasma
density due to Coulomb collisions and absorption of wave energy. Comp
arison between the rate of cooling of thermal heavy ions due to collis
ions and heating by waves gives wave intensity and heavy ion ratios wh
ich are consistent with observations. The relation between the acceler
ated heavy ion abundances and their gyrofrequencies in the corona is u
sed to estimate the temperature in the acceleration region. The existe
nce of electromagnetic hydrogen cyclotron waves in flare plasmas is su
pported by observations in auroral plasmas and by solution of the disp
ersion relation, which shows that such waves can propagate over long d
istances along coronal magnetic fields.