LITTLE is known about the way higher-order chromatin structure influen
ces gene expression and chromosome topology in general. Genetic analys
is in Drosophila has led to the discovery of two classes of genes, the
regulators of homeotic genes and the modifiers of position-effect var
iegation, which seem to be good candidates for encoding some of the fa
ctors regulating chromatin functions(1,2). The Trithorax-like gene we
describe here is required for the normal expression of the homeotic ge
nes and is a modifier of position-effect variegation. We found that Tr
ithorax-like encodes the GAGA factor which is involved in the formatio
n of an accessible chromatin structure at promoter sequences(3). Our g
enetic analysis suggests that the chromatin modelling function of the
GAGA factor is not restricted to promoter regions.