Net photosynthesis was measured under field conditions in 23-year-old
slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) trees to determine
how it was affected by fertilization and climate. There was only a sm
all decrease in rates of net photosynthesis from late summer through w
inter demonstrating that appreciable carbon gain occurs throughout the
year in slash pine. Although fertilization substantially increased le
af area and aboveground biomass, it only slightly increased the rate o
f net photosynthesis. Simultaneous measurements of gas exchange in fer
tilized and unfertilized (control) plots allowed the detection of a sm
all, but statistically significant difference in average net photosynt
hesis of 0.14 mumol m-2 s-1. Irradiance, and to a lesser extent air te
mperature, were the environmental factors that exerted the most contro
l on net photosynthesis. The highest rates of net photosynthesis occur
red between air temperatures of 25 and 35-degrees-C. Because air tempe
ratures were within this range for 46% of all daylight hours during th
e year, air temperature was not often a significant limitation. Soil a
nd atmospheric water deficits had less effect on photosynthesis than i
rradiance or air temperature. Although the depth to the water table ch
anged during the year from 10 to 160 cm, predawn and midday xylem pres
sure potentials only changed slightly throughout the year. Predawn val
ues ranged from -0.63 to -0.88 MPa in the control plot and from -0.51
to -0.87 MPa in the fertilized plot and were not correlated with water
table depth. There was no correlation between xylem pressure potentia
ls and net photosynthesis, presumably because water uptake was adequat
e. Although vapor pressure deficits reached 3.5 kPa during the summer,
they had little effect on net photosynthesis. Over a vapor pressure d
eficit range from 1.0 to 3.0 kPa, net photosynthesis only decreased 21
%. No differences in responses to these environmental factors could be
attributed to fertilization.