A. Matsuda, GANGRENE AND ULCER OF THE LOWER-EXTREMITIES IN DIABETIC-PATIENTS, Diabetes research and clinical practice, 24, 1994, pp. 190000209-190000213
In diabetic patients in Japan, gangrene, and ulcers of the lower extre
mities were found in 2% of out-patients and in 4% of hospitalized pati
ents. This prevalence in Japan is much less than in Western countries,
as already shown by the Multinational Study on Vascular Diabetic Dise
ases. The ratio of ulcers due to neuropathy is 3 or 4 times more than
that caused by ASO. But recent trends showed a gradual increase in ASO
among diabetic patients. According to the API measured by the ultraso
nic Doppler method, the prevalence of ASO is estimated as being 10% of
diabetic patients, and about one tenth of ASO patients will develop g
angrene in future.