A new mechanism for the FIP fractionation in the solar wind in the for
m of a stationary diffusion model is proposed. It is based on a weakly
stratified chromospheric layer of constant density and temperature, p
ermeated everywhere by ionizing photons and a homogeneous magnetic fie
ld. Our model does not invoke any particular geometry or special set u
p of the system and is founded solely on robust and well understood at
omic collisional physics. Technically, a boundary value problem of fou
r coupled differential equations is solved for each chemical element,
i.e. a continuity equation and a momentum equation for both atoms and
singly ionized particles. For the main gas (hydrogen), an analytical s
olution can be found. This then serves as a background for the numeric
al integration of each trace gas system (several elements from He to F
e). We find that, after a few hydrogen diffusion lengths, each minor s
pecies asymptotically approaches a constant density. The ratios of the
se density values to some reference element reproduce the observed FIP
fractionation pattern remarkably well.