Studies of recent decades have shown that the elemental composition of
human hair can be considered as an indicator of both internal and ext
ernal human body status. However, there are only a few studies on huma
n hair radioactivity. The Chernobyl accident necessitated the study of
the hair of various groups of inhabitants of the contaminated area. D
ata on hair radioactivity and elemental composition allowed us to draw
the following conclusions. (1) When account is taken of the simplicit
y of sampling and measurements of human hair activity in polluted area
s can be used as a monitor for fast detection of the scale and area of
pollution. (2) Measurement of hair alpha and beta activity is useful
for preliminary body burden determination while the whole body counter
is inapplicable. (3) Study of activity along the hair strand allows d
ating of contamination with an accuracy of about 10 days and gives inf
ormation about the removal of radioactivity from the body. (4) Determi
nation of uranium could give additional information about the distance
of nuclear fuel transport from the damaged reactor. (5) Elemental com
position of hair and profiles along the strand reflect the influence o
f medical treatment and can be used to study post-accident health stat