Toxocariasis is a zoonosis due to the migration of Toxocara sp. larvae
into mammal - including human - organism. The high prevalence of the
parasite in pets regularly elicits the contamination of the environmen
t by Toxocara sp. eggs. Human beings become infected by ingestion eith
er embryonated eggs from soil (geophagic behaviour), hands or vegetabl
es, or sometimes larvae from undercooked giblets. Diagnosis relies upo
n sensitive immunological method (ELISA and Western-blot) that use Tox
ocara larval excretory-secretory antigens. Seroprevalence is high in d
eveloped countries, especially in rural areas. In some tropical island
s, seroprevalence rates higher than 85 % have been reported. The disea
se comprises three syndromes: visceral larva migrans, ocular toxocaras
is and an entity associating chronic weakness, allergic symptoms, abdo
minal pain and mild hypereosinophilia. Atopic status boosts the sympto
ms. Therapy of larva migrans and ocular toxocariasis is primarily base
d upon corticosteroids use. Other forms require prevention of recontam
inations, sanitary education and sometimes treatment with anthelminthi
cs (diethylcarbamazine).