Spasmodic torticollis (cervical dystonia) is frequently a painful cond
ition but little is known of the characteristics of the pain. We asses
sed 39 patients with spasmodic torticollis for the presence or absence
, location, and quality of pain, as well as its correlation to postura
l abnormality. Muscle tenderness was evaluated by manual palpation and
pressure algometry. Measurements were made on muscles either actively
maintaining or opposing abnormal head posture, as well as on muscles
not contributing to it. Control measurements were made in 18 healthy s
ubjects. Two-thirds of patients reported continuous or intermittent re
current pain. Pain was reported widespread and diffuse over the neck a
nd shoulders, with some radiation, predominantly on the side toward wh
ich the head was twisted. There were no differences between study grou
ps when compared for pressure algometry and only moderate differences
when compared for manual palpation. No correlation was found between t
he severity of motor signs and pain. Degenerative changes seen on X-ra
ys were similar in painful and pain-free patients. These findings sugg
est that pain associated with spasmodic torticollis does not arise in
muscles alone, and we hypothesise that central mechanisms are also inv