In a clinical experiment, patients with intractable capsular contractu
re were treated with intracapsular injections of triamcinolone. One gr
oup consisted of 16 patients with contractures that could not be relea
sed with closed compression. In this group, there was modest success,
with correction of the problem without surgery in less than half. The
second group consisted of 4 patients who had each had at least three p
revious closed capsulotomies with recurrent contracture. In this group
, all contractures were resolved without operation. There were four ma
jor complications and several minor complications. Major complications
included three cases of major atrophy requiring surgical correction.
This problem appeared to have been eliminated by reduction of the dose
. There was one implant puncture. The potential role of this method in
clinical practice will require further study, but it appears to have
its greatest utility in prevention of recurrent contracture.