A CMOS chip containing four 500-MBd serializer/deserializer pairs has
been designed to relieve interconnect congestion in an ATM switch syst
em. The 9.7 x 9.7 mm(2) chip fabricated in a 0.8-mu m technology is pa
ckaged on a ceramic ball grid array and dissipates 3.5 W. It replaces
a 72-wire parallel interface with an eight-line serial interface trans
parent to the user and supports transmission at 1.6 Gb/s per direction
in full-duplex mode, Virtually error-free operation in a system envir
onment over electrical serial links having up to 9 dB loss al 500 MHz
has been realized using signal predistortion for the serial bit stream
and PLL clock recovery for each of the four receivers. Interface timi
ng and serial-link driver strength are programmable.